How can you ensure safety of your LGBTQAI+ employees?

World Pride in Copnehagen

Homosexuality is illegal in 70 countries and territories and punishable by death in 12. Same-sex marriage is illegal in 179 of them and in 104 it is not socially accepted. How can you ensure safety of your LGBTQAI+ employees?

We’ve Become a Member of Access2innovation!

Human Risks and Access2innovation

We are proud to have become a member of the Danish platform for innovative, sustainable, commercial solutions for the African growth markets, Access2innovation. The platform offers network, financing and expertise in innovation and business development in Denmark and Africa. Since 2007, Access2innovation has resulted in over 80 partnerships between companies, NGOs, investors, knowledge institutions and […]

Streamline Vendor Due Diligence with Human Risks

Choosing vendors is one of the most important decisions you can make for your business. Vendors often handle vital operations, from running your call center, to supplying key components for your products. This poses a range of risks to your organisation, so it’s important to have a good system in place for due diligence. With […]

Three Considerations for Third Party Business Continuity Management

Finding Third-Party BCM solutions

What are the 3 key considerations to address when bringing Business Continuity and third-party Risk Management? Within the business continuity environment, the most complex risks are increasingly arising from third-party contractors and their business continuity preparedness. If there are no contractual obligations or pre-existing arrangements with third parties, any minor incident may turn into a […]